Chauffeur Dress Code

Why the Wheely dress code?

At Wheely, every journey is an elegant and exclusive experience for our passengers. We expect our chauffeurs to take pride in how they present themselves. It is your responsibility to adhere to our rigorous standards and look impeccable for every single journey through Wheely.

What is the Chauffeur dress code?

Male Chauffeurs:

  • Full suit (black, navy blue, or dark grey), clean and pressed. Only plain suits are allowed, no pinstripes or patterns.

  • Tie (plain black, navy blue or dark grey), neatly tied and tightened.

  • White long-sleeve plain shirt, clean, ironed, tucked in, and buttoned up.

  • Classic black Oxford or Derby shoes with laces, clean and polished.

  • Wheely brand lapel pin & Pocket Square*.

Female Chauffeurs:

  • Trouser suit (black, navy blue, or dark grey), clean and pressed. Only plain suits are allowed, no pinstripes or patterns.

  • Neatly tied and tightened plain black, navy blue, or dark grey tie.

  • White long-sleeved shirt, clean, ironed, and tucked in.

  • Classic black Oxford shoes or leather court shoes (no patent), clean and polished.

  • Wheely brand lapel pin & Pocket Square*.

In Cold Weather, chauffeurs can wear a single-coloured long overcoat (black, dark grey, or navy blue) made of wool or a wool blend. The coat must have no pattern or hood. The coat is to be placed in the car’s boot before the journey with the passenger on board begins.

Other winter attire includes a plain black flat cap and black leather gloves. These must be removed before driving and stored in the boot of the vehicle.

It is forbidden for all chauffeurs to wear any other items of clothing, accessories or jewellery.

*Please visit the Wheely Academy to collect a Wheely Brand lapel pin & Pocket Square if you don’t have one.

What is expected in terms of chauffeur hygiene?

  • Clean, tidy haircut for all chauffeurs. Female chauffeurs with long hair should tie it back.

  • Clean hands and nails.

  • No smoking, including e-cigarettes, before collecting passengers.

  • Always use deodorant.

  • Male chauffeurs should be clean-shaven or maintain a well-groomed moustache and beard (exemptions may apply when mandated by faith).

Kindly refer to the pictures below for how to dress to the Wheely standards.

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